360° Abstract Series
All paintings in the 360° Abstract Series were designed in such a way that the painting can cohere from 4 different angles to give the viewer maximum freedom to assign their own meaning and interact with the art in any manner they desire. Admirers of Martha Farish’s paintings, of her community support, and of her philanthropic heart have set the paintings to video and music to thank her for all she’s given back to Orcas Island. Play the videos below to be a part of Martha’s paintings and experience this community gift.
Special thanks to Orcas Island musicians and composers and island friends Jim Bredouw, Martin Lund, Oliver Groenewald, Stephen Fairweather, Paris Wilson & Almost Classical Music, Nikhil Koparkar, Aaron Zigman, Michael Grady, Adam Farish, and Mandy Troxel, and to Samuel W. Gailey for video editing.
Music by Jim Bredouw.
Music by Oliver Groenewald.
Music by Aaron Zigman.
Music by Nikhil Koparkar.
Music by Stephen Fairweather.
Music by Anonymous.
Music by Mandy Troxel.
Music by Michael Grady.
Music by Martin Lund.
Music by Adam Farish.
Almost Classical Music (composed by Paris Wilson)
Music by Aaron Zigman.
Music by Almost Classical Music (composed by Paris Wilson)
Music by Aaron Zigman.
Music by Stephen Fairweather.
Music by Nikhil Koparkar.